About Me

A believer in the power of thought.

A seeker of awe and wonder.

An advocate of change and progression.

As our only way to interact with the world, I am passionate about making the most of our senses and physical body. I have satisfied my passion for health and fitness by becoming a Personal Trainer. I find joy in influencing others to make positive changes to their lives, to realise the benefits I, myself, have discovered.

Studying Martial Arts has allowed me to make connections between, and strengthen both my mental and physical capabilities. I started studying Taekwondo when I was 9, now over 14 years later I continue to give back to new students by Instructing and operating my own club as a Second Dan Black Belt. I find joy in continuously challenging myself with learning a variety of martial arts and utilising the strengths which each offers.

My interest of how the world works and how we interact with it lead me to study a Bachelor of Business (Management) & a Bachelor of Science IT (Information Systems Management).

Understanding human behaviour and how we make sense of the world around us fascinates me. The increasing rate of change and progression throughout history, and our continued development and integration with our tools (technology), provides the basis of my passion for change.

I believe there is no better way to understand the world than to travel. Exploring natural landscapes and understanding how people have responded to their surroundings, both natural and developed, is one of the richest experiences one can have.

To develop my understandings and contribute to these happenings in practice, I now occupy a role as a second year Graduate at AMP Financial Services. I am excited to see where my career takes me and the role I can play in our rapidly changing environment.

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